~Living a life of sophisticated domestication deep in the heart of Texas~

Monday, March 1, 2010

Good grief....

We lost a dear friend the other day to cancer, but she'll have no part of any persistent crying or sadness, which would be "bad grief." She passed on to her next life, and today, especially, she's been in my thoughts and on my heart. She made the most of living, and as it turns out, she made the best of dying. She knew how she wanted to live, and did a great job at it. When it was time, she knew how she wanted to go, and did so, leaving behind explicit instructions that said what she wanted us to remember and how to cope, which would be "good grief." We're trying our best...I am amazed and inspired. She's gone from us now, but will never be forgotten. (To tell you the truth, I fully expect to bump into her somewhere in time, as she's one of those rare people who has such a vibrant and strong personality that absolutely refuses to be ignored, LOL.)

So now it's time to get on with life and make the most of it....


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