~Living a life of sophisticated domestication deep in the heart of Texas~

Monday, March 15, 2010

Très chic ...

Well, the subject came up a couple of times in the last week. SGTex gifted me with a bottle of the cologne on my birthday (ala Celine Dion), and I absolutely love it! A sexy fragrance and it makes me feel all woozy about him... ;+). (Excellent choice, Honey). And then the word came up on Facebook again, just a bit ago. I had been looking for something in regards to "chic" and this mag cover image popped up, so there it is. Hmm, come to think of it, I could have pulled up something on CHIC, as I'm all for a little R&B, that's for sure....

Yes,I had a lovely birthday celebration, in case anyone is wondering. We started just after midnight and quite carried on for the rest of the weekend. Chocolate (as in cake and Bliss) and spent some real quality time together. Birthdays are a LOT nicer with my Man, TTYTT. A good work week, followed by what he dubbed a "Honeymoon Weekend," so I'd say things have been going well.

Spring has sprung on our street, and we're getting underway with the garden. Well, he is-- tomatoes went in, he's got this neat tiller thing that he uses and I see some seed packages laying on the breakfront in the kitchen, with some peppers which have been sacrificed to seed collection. I'm glad I'm hooked up with a gardener.

Our front door is now freshly painted a *chic* shiny black, thanks to my Man-of-many-talents. It looks great, and will be perfect, as soon as he mounts our plaque which states "This is a Buddhist home."

I really like that. A lot.


photo: mag cover of Chic Today Volume 023 Flights of Fancy

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