~Living a life of sophisticated domestication deep in the heart of Texas~

Monday, November 29, 2010

Oh, arbre de Noël....

I realize it's not even December, but we put our Christmas tree up yesterday--that is to say, SGTex did. It is so pretty, as always.

We were reminiscing a little bit about what fun we had when we went tree shopping our first holiday together, here in Texas. We didn't quite shop 'til we drop, but I can honestly say we had lots of fun. I'm not going to tell you what SGTex did at the hardware store, but I honestly thought I'd die laughing. There was a bit of a discussion when it came down to the final tree selection, as we were living in an apartment and didn't have a huge space. The options were to go tall, but they tended to be rather pricey, and too large, lol. There was one particular window that would be a nice spot, so we picked one that was on the small side and not too wide. It's what I call a "forever green tree," so we can just pack it away and bring it out each year, and now it sits in the window that can be seen by those who happen to pass by our little house.

We seem to have a somewhat typical array of ornaments. Each holiday we have been together in Texas, we choose a new ornament to add to our collection. I keep meaning to bake some gingerbread men to hang, but never seem to get around to that. I like the clear lights, kind of a warm white. SGTex prefers the larger, old-fashioned colored lights, so we've done a combination, which really looks nice. This year, it is nearly the same, but instead of the clear, we have a set of quite white, bright lights that are a bit different and really look great.

I thought this picture of one made from antique jewelry was gorgeous, so wanted to share it. This may be the first of several.... Oh, oh...I feel a theme coming on, lol.

We hope your holiday season will be filled with good cheer!

photo courtesy of antique-jewelry-investor.com

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