~Living a life of sophisticated domestication deep in the heart of Texas~

Monday, October 13, 2008

To the moon....

Art thou pale for weariness
Of climbing heaven and gazing on the earth,
Wandering companionless
Among the stars that have a different birth,
And ever changing, like a Joyless eye
That finds no object worth its constancy?

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)

Just stopping by on the eve of another full moon. Our sky here is heavy with clouds, but it's nice to know that above all that is the beautiful moon, so I imagine I can still feel the effect. (Blame it on the moon, lol!)

Life has been filled with busy work days, not much spare time. Lucky for us we went down to Oktoberfest in Fredericksburg and had a wonderful time. So many fun things to see and do, but mostly we just enjoyed being together. There was the cute German music, the eating and drinking, the drinking and eating, the sunshine and general ambience of not only the festival, but the town. A perfect, happy combination of Texas & Germany, all in one spot. Looking forward to next year, when we hope to do it again! It was a wonderful trip. One cute thing was that on the morning we left the motel, there seemed to be a cricket in the dresser. I thought it was charming, not being from cricket country, lol.

And yes, we just got back from the Big Road Trip (and I'm still talking about it), but still felt like it was a good thing to get away and find out what it's like to travel with an empty back seat and less than a half-ton of luggage and stuff to drag from the car to the room and back again, lol ;+). Yes, it is more fun to travel light. That's going to be our policy from now on...

So, Happy Full Moon to you all. Hoping your week is going well, and that good things are coming your way.


1 comment:

vegakitty said...

"The moon, yes...that will be my home." Cyrano de Bergerac

We saw the full moon as we walked to the car after our Bible study on Tuesday night. It was beautiful. We don't often get to see it rising here, as our eastern horizon is rather cluttered, but it's still so beautiful.

One December when we were still living in California we were walking into our trailer via the back steps, and I got to see a gorgeous view of Orion and Canis Major. I'm standing there in front of the door, just caught up in the beauty of the celestial view, and I said to George, "Isn't that beautiful?"

"Yes, it's beautiful, but I'm freezing!"