~Living a life of sophisticated domestication deep in the heart of Texas~

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The merry year is born....

....like the bright berry from the naked thorn. ~Hartley Coleridge
Okay, I must confess, when I found a new year's quotation that mentioned the word "berry," I went googling for raspberry pictures, and here we are. :+) Or perhaps it's the raspberry Milano cookies SGTex brought home from the store the other evening, lol.
Today, especially, I have been thinking about 2011 and what is in store. One of our Facebook friends posted this morning on the subject:
"‎2011: another 3,153,600 seconds for me to ______." After thinking about it for a few minutes, I filled in the blank with "live like I'm dying." Well, that's what I mean to do. I would imagine that my score on that little test will be in the low-to-mid 60s, what do you bet? Yeah... Perhaps that's because I'm kindasorta coming down (or up, perhaps) off a day that was quite less than perfect, so my mood is a bit tentative. I was telling SGTex the other day about Dorothy A, (Remember way back when, and I posted about the Dorothys in my life?) She'd say, "This day God hath not made!" when things weren't as they should be for her. It helped, lol.
But here and now it's my today, and the sun is shining brightly and the breeze is just about as perfect as I've ever had it 'breeze' here in Texas. Our mood is a little lighter and things aren't so awfully bad, after all. You know how that is, I'm pretty sure.
So, here we are with 2010 drawing to a close. If you're anything like me, and should you have a list of resolutions, some of those might entail what you/I didn't actually get around to finishing--or even starting, lol. I think just to be able to X some of those items off the list as the first few months go by will give me a sense of accomplishment, and that must be a good thing. Our year was absolutely crammed full of events, mainly surrounding the wedding. Every once in awhile I'm still a bit surprised when I think about the fact that it's behind us and not ahead of us, and now we're on to making new, happy plans for the new year.
I'll always hold a special place in my heart for 2010...but I've been kinda like that since 2005....

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