~Living a life of sophisticated domestication deep in the heart of Texas~

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Color our world....

Isn't it something, how you can put these colors together on a fence-top? 

But you'd never wear them at the same time, or paint a house these colors, (unless you live in Astoria, OR or at the beach), or decorate your home in these colors, (well, I might, given some cash and plenty of seating for silk pillows)...

I guess I just went and unmade my point.  LOL!!  I'm kinda like that sometimes.

This just impressed me, and I'm wishing our backyard fence line was bursting with blooms....

What else it brings to mind is how you can put all sorts of people from different races and backgrounds together and come up with something really special...I suppose that might only happen if the people had been tended like flowers (as in brought up carefully and with a certain amount of concern and love, not just allowed to grow up like weeds).  There've been a couple of occasions lately when the people I thought would act reasonably and with some conscience and manners and broadminded tolerance turned out to have apparently little to no raising (rearing) and, as adults, turned out to act like children...bratty children!!  Maybe some people grow up in years and then act out, because there's nobody tending their behavior any more.  It never fails to surprise me when that happens.  But for every one or two unpleasant people I lose, I seem to gain two or three very nice people who fill the empty spots, and that makes me very happy.

I hope some of that made sense.

Actually, there's nothing highly newsworthy to report, other than I've been busy at the desk not working, but studying on a big project.  SGTex is doing all the important stuff around here and making things happen.  I look forward to seeing some of his writing here on the blog before too long. 

The pups are good.  Seamus' little eye has healed beautifully and he and Sebastian have fun out in the big back yard.  Sebastian chases squirrels and Seamus chases Sebastian and keeps up on the dogs across the alley pretty well.  Sasha the Persian kitty is as sweet as ever.  It's become evident that she taunts the Hellboys and actually wants to be chased.  Haha!

It's hot out there, and beautiful.  More blooming goes on in Texas in summer heat than I could have imagined.  But I said that already this time last year, and the year before that.

Yes, I'm still madly in love with Texas!!  Enjoy your part of the planet.  Welcome to all our new blog friends and may you all have a wonderful week.


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