~Living a life of sophisticated domestication deep in the heart of Texas~

Saturday, April 27, 2013

I used to think....

....that was just about all that was required for being pretty happy.  Well, nowadays I tend to disagree with that idea.  I've found much more interesting and rewarding and exciting and exasperating and wonderful levels of happy, and I'm grateful. 

However, I will say that having a lovely garden and somewhere to dig and plant and pull weeds and trim and pick flowers is just about the most therapeutic place in life to be for many of us.  I come from a long line of happy gardeners and have spent many lovely hours with a basket of blooms.  A few of you know that I kept a pair of bright red garden shears in my car where they were handy to trim the lavender and roses away from the driveway edge.  A few others know that when I lived in Oregon and had a spectacular hydrangea that people liked to "sample" a pair of shears could be found in my mailbox by the front door.  My house happened to be on the local walking tour, and more than a few "walking tourists" passed by my house to look it over and left with a bouquet, lol.  My Nana used to spend long hours in her garden and she often said it was what made her happy.  As the years went by her expanse of green lawns turned into various flower beds and she'd pretty much dug up and planted and pulled out and replanted the whole property.  It was a riot of color and filled with birds and bees and became the perfect backdrop for her bright red house. 

When I was on my own everything in my garden seemed to be pinks and blues and purples and lavenders and soft whites.  I love a red geranium and have found it to be the most hopeful plant to have around here in my part of Texas, if I want it to last and bloom and not over-bake in the hot sun, lol.  Nasturtiums are a favorite and many of my friends will roll their eyes when I mention once again that the squirrel who lives in our yard most of the time absolutely loves a nasturtium salad with his pecans.

Anyway, this isn't really about gardening.  Nor is it about libraries, although I will mention that SGTex and I enjoyed watching the dedication of the George W Bush Library the other morning.  Our liberal friends have punished me more than a little for admitting to liking the ceremony and having something pleasant to say.  I do believe they feel he should be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail, as their bitterness seems to be still somewhat fresh and more than a little deep.  That's okay, for them.  I guess I've got more important things about which to concern myself, to my way of thinking.  It seems like it's not too much of a shock to think that a past leader of the USA might have a presidential library, too.  All the others have gotten one, or a chance at having one.  (eyeroll)  SGTex and I have always been quite lucky to be at home together to enjoy some big event on the news, and this was just one more of these and we enjoyed it in our particular way, so I'm grateful, even if it is celebrating someone from the (gasp) "other" side of politics, haha.  We're liberals, but we're not too (two?) angry liberals.

Our life is changing and over the next couple of months there will likely be some upheaval.  Already, I'm starting to adjust to the idea of new schedule, new circumstances, the notion of a new location and all kinds of new ways to see and experience things.  Do I feel a headache coming on?  A slight one, but that's okay.  ;~)  It's stressful, but it's a good stress.

I gave up a garden and a library to get this far and am going to make plans for a new garden and a new library to enjoy, down the road a bit, which isn't so far after all.



Friday, April 19, 2013

So much to say....

.... and so little time...

I feel a bit like this rabbit looks.  Where do I begin?  I've got so much on my mind and could jump in so many different directions with this post. 

I guess I'll just do the usual "Isn't it a beautiful day?"  Well, it is.  Despite the news reports of various tragedies and problems and issues, it is still a beautiful day.  Things are still going to be all right, or as "all right" as they can be with the world spinning as it does and people acting as they do.  Perhaps I should say "acting out as they do." 

Have they caught the 2nd marathon bomber yet?  We had the news on all night long, watching the melodrama in the Boston area and the aftermath of the disaster in West, Texas.  We still managed to get a pretty good night's sleep, because this is still America.  No matter what the naysayers say about us and our politics or way of life, we here in the USA will be fine.  We're still mostly good people with good intentions and good thoughts and feelings.  Not too thrilled with Congress (or about half of 'em) and how they caved to the nasty NRA and didn't do what we feel like they should have done about the gun regulations, but the story isn't over and a new day will come when common sense and decency will prevail.

Speaking of decency, I want to say "thank you" to the people from all over the planet who have taken time to send their kind greetings and good wishes to the people in West, Texas after the disaster there.  I was seeing on CNN how that has been such an encouragement and just wanted to express my gratitude.  We are, after all, children of the Universe and we do dwell together on this lovely planet.

I'm still going to feel like this rabbit, sitting in a lovely garden, pausing while I decide what flowers to pick and which direction to take.  Will probably just stop and take a look around me to appreciate the good things and be grateful for the life I have.  It's not perfect, but it's a lot better on good days than I could have ever dreamed.

I hope it's much the same for you.


Monday, April 8, 2013

The appalling real cost of palm oil....

Further to our press release last week concerning starving orangutans rescued from a palm oil concession in West Kalimantan, the images in this New York Daily News coverage show the appalling real cost of palm oil. 

PHOTOS: Orangutans rescued from a bulldozed forest in Indonesia.

Starving and stranded orangutans were rescued after bulldozers destroyed most of their forest home.
Rescuers from the UK charity organization International Animal Rescue (IAR) worked with the local forestry department in Ketapang, West Kalimantan on the Indonesian island of Borneo to save the orangutans. They were alerted of the animals’ predicament by the company Bumitama Gunajaya Argo.

Full story at http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/orangutans-rescued-bulldozed-forest-article-1.1309145

Image: Starving orangutans on the brink of death were rescued in Indonesia after bulldozers destroyed their home to make room for a palm oil plantation.

The above article was on my Facebook newsfeed today and I had to pass it along.

Stop using palm oil products, please.
