~Living a life of sophisticated domestication deep in the heart of Texas~

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Song in the night....

It seems that every day I come across another wonderful thing about Texas, and here's the latest:

Long after the sun has set and everything is quiet, we're blessed to hear the loveliest bird song, and it goes on and on. We're pretty certain it is an unmated male mockingbird. SGTex says, "With a song like that, he won't be unmated for long!"

I know it's not really fair, but I'm kinda hoping he's in no hurry, as I never could have imagined anything so beautiful. Then again, I guess the only thing that would be nicer is for him to find her, and then they might settle down in our oak tree.

It's all very, very romantic.....


Photo: The mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) is the state bird of Texas, adopted by the Legislature 1927 at the request of the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs. Courtesy of SHG Resources

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