~Living a life of sophisticated domestication deep in the heart of Texas~

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

You can’t possess radiance, you can only admire it....”

"I mean, how many young women get a set of rubies just for doing something wholesome like swimming laps? Or win a diamond ring at Ping-Pong with their husband...? Well, I did, and for all of these memories and the people in my life I feel blessed. " ~Elizabeth Taylor

I was so sad and surprised, while watching CNN this morning, the news came that Elizabeth Taylor had passed on. I had heard that she'd been failing, but it didn't really register with me that she'd actually die.....I looked over at my husband and the first thing I said was something about Michael Jackson waiting on the other side of the River Styx to greet her, holding the lamp high and happily helping her onto the shore. I also mentioned that I figured she'd no doubt have handed the oarsman a diamond earring in payment for crossing....and SGTex said, "No doubt she wasn't the first to have done so."

I'm hoping that "Father of the Bride" will be on TV, and maybe we'll get a chance to see it. Or see her with Sir Richard Burton playing Cleopatra... That might be nice. Did you know that she relinquished her American citizenship to marry him? I'd forgotten that, and I guess I don't mind too much that she'd do that. It only goes to show you what a woman will do, when she has a great love for a great man.

Here's to you, Elizabeth Taylor, and to your journey to and through your next life. May it be filled with every happiness and may all your hopes and dreams come true.

photo courtesy of: http://fwallpapers.com

1 comment:

bridechic said...

I too was surprised. Like you I'd heard here and there over the media she was having health problems. All her movies are in Netflix under classics. I'll bet there's gonna be a whole lot of streaming of her films tonight. She was not only radiantly gorgeous beyond compare but a damn great actress . . .