~Living a life of sophisticated domestication deep in the heart of Texas~

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

No, we do not agree...

...with those who are voicing their angry opinons and demonstrating their hatefulness at the undocumented, hopeful immigrants coming to our southern borders these days.

It occurs to me that some people from other parts of the planet might see all of this on the news and be shaking their heads at it all.

Really, you must wonder what is really going on here and imagine what people really feel.  Can we believe what we're shown on the news or what we see on television or hear on the radio?  Probably only some of it.

What it is, is a big crying shame.

My husband and I feel like those who are yelling and screaming and banging the US flags on the buses and shouting angry words and making ugly scenes on our southern borders need to just basically shut up and go home.   Seriously.

We don't want our laws to be broken and we don't believe that everyone should get a free ride or just have the blessings of living in the USA just handed to them....

....any more than what benefits were handed to our own ancestors who came to these shores and were given a decent life here on this continent all those many years ago....at the expense of the honorable, beautiful indigenous people who had been here for ages.

Makes you stop and think, doesn't it?



Shawn and SGTex said...

Well said, Darling, and thanks for the way you speak up. Love, Noel

Anonymous said...

Wondering what you would propose to do with these children. They don't have adults with them to take care of them. Are you willing to have one or more of them in your home?

Shawn and SGTex said...

Anonymous -- It's our understanding the immigrant children are not looking for someone to adopt them but in most cases have parents they're trying to reunite with. I suppose the thing to "do with" these children is, wherever possible, treat them as refugees -- see to their basic safety and needs while processing them and placing them either with their parents or in foster care. In any case, the fact that we are not looking to be foster parents ourselves hardly disqualifies our opinion advocating humane and compassionate treatment.