~Living a life of sophisticated domestication deep in the heart of Texas~

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Come, ye thankful people, come....

Here it is, just a couple of days before Thanksgiving, and the holidays are upon us! Last year at this time I was figuring out how to work at my job, shop and have my menu set for what to put together for dinner. I was thinking then, "Well, by this time next year I'll be more organized and it will be easier putting Thanksgiving on the table..." Little did I know that we'd move across town and we'd still be unpacking, that rather than a turkey thawing in the kitchen there'd be a couple of wild Havanese things bouncing around and wreaking puppy havoc, lol...And those are just a couple of the changes we've experienced since Thanksgiving 2008.

But it's that way for so many people, I think. I'm hearing and reading a lot about how America is going through big changes. Some are good, some are bad. Maybe in spite of it all, or maybe because of it all, we can be grateful and enjoy our time together, because who knows what the tomorrows may bring....


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